Richard Ian Doporto
Feared by Most, Wanted by all
Mr. Doporto has played in hundreds of unknown bands since 1978. He is currently wanted by the FBI and several other local law enforcement agencies for questioning about various un-American activities. He is also wanted in connection with several previous bands concerning lude and immoral acts. His ex-wife is looking for him as well. Mr Doporto's family is also wondering when he will be coming home for dinner. His former employer whom shall remain nameless is in hiding for fear of reprisal, after allegations from Mr. Doporto of stealing technological ideas and properties and profiting from them.
Below is a copy of an FBI field report on Mr. Doporto acquired through the Freedom of Information Act of 1978. If you are interested in finding out about yourself or others, visit www.fbi.gov

The infamous Mr. Doporto seen here in a rare photgraph taken by a undercover operative. It has been rumored that the subject is the mastermind behind a secret organization of musicians which call themselves slingshotVenus. FBI reports have not yet been able to confirm the existence of the band slingshotVenus or whether Mr. Doporto is currently associated with this radical terrorist musical group. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) have also been unable to locate the bands hideout, and so far, unsuccessful terminating them or their activities.